Clovelly Pool

Photos taken 31 January 2009

From the NSW Ocean Baths website:

Randwick Council announced plans to build an Olympic swimming pool and a sea wall using gangs of unemployed labour. Attempts were made to construct a breakwater across the mouth of the bay. The project plans were modified after winter storms washed away most of this sea wall, leaving behind a protective rocky reef now visible only at low tide.
The Clovelly Winter Swimming Club was founded by Clovelly surf club members looking for a way to keep active in the winter months. They used Clovelly Bay as their swimming pool.
As acknowledged by a plaque at the pool, Geoff James of the Clovelly surf club proposed the building of a concrete swimming pool. One of the most compelling arguments for the creation of this pool was that its presence meant Randwick Council needed less concrete for the promenade
Residents claimed the Council was neglecting the basic requirements of the pool and its many users. About 150 Clovelly residents petitioned Randwick City Council about the Clovelly Beach Pool, which had stood empty for five weeks because the pump was not operating. They wanted the pool normally used for swimming lessons each Saturday and for events staged by the Clovelly Amateur Swimming Club to be thoroughly cleaned, a new pump installed and to receive regular maintenance and written reports about the pool from Council.
The National Trust classified this 25-metre by 6-metre pool and listed it on its heritage register. 2000
As part of its State of the Environment (SOE) report, Randwick City Council reported on water monitoring in the Clovelly rock pool.
Randwick City Council refurbished the baths.
Randwick Council named the pool after Geoff James, past president and life member of the Clovelly surf club.
The Clovelly Eskimos winter swimming club had about 125 members, most of whom were in their forties or older.
Real estate agents say the charms of the swimming baths and snorkelling round the bay helps to attract families with children to Clovelly. Images of the swimming pool's marked lanes appear in the real estate advertisements for units at Clovelly Beach.


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