As Mark Hanna, spokesperson for the pool supporters' said:
"After three solid years of intense lobbying, petitions and meeting attendance, we finally have something concrete to comment on. I cannot stress enough how important it is to flood council with favourable feedback on the proposed concept plans and facility mix."
All the information is available at the Rockdale Council website:
Alternatively, they have set up a special email address for feedback as well. The email address is
The St George and Sutherland Shire Leader carries a front page story on the proposed upgrade. People can also go onto their site and make comments. Here is the link:
This is our chance to get this project over the line and secure the long term future of Bexley Pool. Please help by providing positive feedback. Without this upgrade, the future of Bexley Pool remains highly uncertain.
Pictures are courtesy of architects TompkinsMDA. Look at the link to see their other aquatic centre designs.
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